Saturday April 29th was a lovely sunny day, so we were lucky that we chose that afternoon for our annual Open Day. Over 40 youngsters and adults, from aged 5 upwards, came along to try out our courts and meet our members and coaches. AND what fun the children had enjoying all sorts of games and exercises with tennis balls and racquets.
And it was good to also welcome a number of adults to our Club to try out our tennis courts and play Pickleball for the first time.
Thanks to coaches Michael Cartmell, Peter Nickson and Jonnny Eastham who enthused the players, many of whom hadn’t played before.
And thanks very much to the many helpers who made the afternoon such a success – Fang Liu, Sandra Eccles, Evelyn and David Kay, Helen Edmead, Steve Garland, Mary Rosenberg and Sharon Phillips (our Pickleball expert) who assisted organiser Susan Lucas.
We hope that some of those who attended will decide to have coaching or join our Club.
Any queries from anyone interested in playing should contact Susan on tel: 07771 734920 or email: [email protected]