Adult Members

Our Club informal and friendly ‘turn up and play’ social tennis sessions are on
Monday mornings together with the Lancaster & Morecambe District U3A group, from 10am to 1pm
Tuesdays from 10am to 12 noon
Wednesdays from 10am to 12noon
Thursdays from 10am to 12noon
Fridays from 10am to 12noon
Fridays from 7pm
Sundays from 10am to 1pm
all free to members; £2 for U3A members and £3 for non-Club members

We provide the tennis balls and can also provide tennis racquets if needed.

Social tennis organiser is Mary on 01524 845 286

In addition, in the autumn and winter on Thursdays at 6.30pm there are organised mixed doubles sessions for Club members only. To be added to the WhatsApp group members should contact Maxine with their mobile number – on here.

We also now offer Pickleball on our mini court. Club members are very welcome to play this new game and we have a pickleball only membership fee for anyone who doesn’t also want to play tennis. There is a WhatsApp group for players want to play Pickleball on our court and/or indoors at Salt Ayre Leisure Centre on Tuesdays at 8pm.

Adult members are very welcome to play socially in their own time using our on-line court booking calendar.

General Info

We often go to the bar after evening social tennis which is a nice way to end the session. The floodlights are free of charge but must be switched off at 10pm.

When members play in their own time they are asked to use the on-line court booking system to avoid clashes. There is also a Singles Ladder which members are encouraged to use. We also have very active adult teams in the Lancaster, Fylde and Kendal leagues in both the summer and winter leagues.

A range of social events is organised by the Tennis Club & other sections of Lancaster Cricket & Sports Club e.g. racing nights, music, quizzes, poker nights, dominoes & bonfire night. Our members can also join the LCSC Quiz League team for autumn & winter quizzes on Monday nights.

Book A Court

All members need to book courts in advance to ensure guidelines are being followed and all our members are kept safe whilst playing.