Club Membership

Our membership fees enable you to be a full playing member of all sections of Lancaster Cricket and Sports Club and give you membership of the Lawn Tennis Association (LTA). There are also reduced fees, pro rata on our full rates, for members who join midway through the season – which starts on 1st April.

Click here to follow link to the LTA which gives access to tickets for Wimbledon (which are now allocated centrally) and membership of British Tennis (BTM) and click here to join the LTA

Membership Fees 2025/26

Most of the fees quoted below are for the full year, which runs from 1 April to 31 March,, but there are reduced rates pro rata during the season.


The full fee for the membership year is now £132 . Please pay your full fee directly to the Tennis Club by cheque, standing order or preferably by BACS.

This fee includes Associate membership of parent Club, Lancaster Cricket & Sports Club, with reduced prices at the bar. Unlike some other local Clubs, this fee includes all use of floodlights – there are no hidden extra charges.

The Tennis Club Standing Order can be accessed below. If BACS is used, please give your full name – NatWest sort code 01-04-92 account number 35510765

The adult fee for the full membership year is £80 and we ask for this to be paid in one instalment, either by BACS directly into the Club bank account – which we prefer – or by cheque of the full amount, before 1st May.

This fee includes Associate membership of the main Club (LCSC) with reduced price drinks at the Club bar. Unlike some other local Clubs, this fee includes all use of floodlights – there are no hidden extra charges.

If paying by BACS the Club account is NatWest – sort code – 01-04-92 – account 35510765

Those joining later in the year are charged a pro rata fee, and from October there is a lower winter membership fee of £50.

For adults who are already full playing members of another local tennis club, there is a Second Club option. This enables you to join Lancaster Tennis Club for only £70 for the year and includes Associate Membership of the LCSC.

Second Club members joining from October onwards are asked to pay a fee of £35 till the end of March.

A membership form still needs to be completed and returned to the Membership Secretary, Sandra Eccles, together with the appropriate cheque (see below). But we now prefer a BACS payment to the Club’s bank account, giving your name as a reference.

Full-time College and University students over 18 are eligible for the lower student fee. This option also includes the LCSC Associate Membership fee and should be paid in one instalment by cheque or preferably by BACS to the Club’s bank account.

Students joining the Club from October onwards are asked to pay £35 to cover the remainder of the membership year. This also includes the LCSC Associate Membership fee.

All juniors registered for coaching with the Cartmell Academy are now required to be Club members. The annual fee for primary aged juniors is £15 and for secondary aged it is £25.

Any juniors playing in League teams also need to be Club members

There are new couple membership fees – £200 for continuing members and £130 for couples who are new members. These fee levels represent a considerable saving on the full membership fees and need to be paid in one instalment – either by cheque or preferably by BACS to the Club account giving your name as a reference
NatWest – sort code – 01-04-92 account number 35510765

Family membership fees are decided on an individual basis by the Committee.

This is a special, low, fee for parents and grandparents who would like to play informally with their children.

This includes the £5 LCSC Associate member fee but normally does not allow the member to play in organised social tennis or Club teams

For adult members who only want to play Pickleball on our mini court, there are special membership fees :
Play at the Club AND indoors at Salt Ayre Leisure Centre – £40 or couple £70
Play only indoors at Salt Ayre Leisure Centre – £30 or couple £50
Winter only (October to end March) indoors – £15 or couple £25

We welcome guests to our Club and they can join social tennis and play with members.

Normally we prefer guests to become members if they play on a regular basis. Guests are not able to purchase a clubhouse key or book a court on our court booking system. Currently the guest fee is £3 per session, to be paid into the ‘honesty’ box in the clubhouse.

The only exceptions to this are (a) U3A members who play on Monday mornings and whose fee is £2 , payable to our Club U3A contact – currently Rose Parker and (b) the Bolton le Sands sheltered housing group on Fridays whose fee is also £2 per person.

Junior Guest fee: £1 Per Session

There are also special joint fees for Juniors who are members of both the Tennis and Cricket Sections – 1 child £55, 2 children £95 and 3 children £125

Anyone not paying his/her membership fees by 1st May at the latest, either by BACS, Cheque or by standing order arrangement, will not be permitted to play in any of the Club’s teams and will have to pay an additional fee of £20.

All members, however they pay need to complete the relevant Tennis Club membership form please (accessible below) and return it to: Sandra Eccles, Membership Secretary, 27 Maplewood Gardens, Lancaster LA1 4PE. Any cheques need to be made payable to Lancaster Tennis Club.

Download Forms Below:

Match Fees

In summer and autumn 2024 the match fee is £3 for ALL matches

For winter 2024/5 the match fee remains at £2 for matches, home only

If playing in adult matches – for ALL matches.

For home matches only

Book A Court

All members need to book courts in advance to ensure guidelines are being followed and all our members are kept safe whilst playing.