The annual membership year normally starts at the beginning of April so we are writing to you now about various payment options:

1.      Tennis Club standing order – a small number of members have set up a standing order of £10 a month to pay the full annual adult fee of £120.  Those who have done this are eligible for a refund from the Tennis Club account for the 2 months that the Club has been closed.  If you are in this category, and want to claim the refund, please let Membership Secretary Sandra Eccles know on email: [email protected] and give her your bank account details, so we can arrange BACS; 

 2.      100 Club standing order – adult members who are signed up for this are still paying £10 a month into the account of Lancaster Cricket & Sports Club.  The LC&S Club is not in a financial position to repay members for the months the Club has been closed.  However, we feel that the Tennis section ought to offer refunds to members for a period where play hasn’t been possible. Again if you wish to ask for a refund, then please let Sandra know on [email protected] and give her your bank account details, so we can arrange BACS from the Tennis Club account.

3.      Fees paid for 2020/21 membership year in one instalment – any members in this category, can have a 2 month reduction in the membership fee they pay this year.   This applies to all categories of members including  junior and student.  If you wish this to happen in your case, again please let Sandra know so she can adjust the fee you are charged for the coming year.

4.  Junior membership fees – since the fees for juniors are only £25 for a full year’s membership, we were not proposing to offer a reduction in fees for the time the Club has been closed.  Any parents who wish to make a case for a reduced fee in the coming year should also email [email protected]

Sorry if this seems a bit complex and confusing, but we wanted to let members know what the options are if you feel that you shouldn’t have to pay for facilities you haven’t been able to use.

All the necessary membership and standing order forms can be accessed from the bottom of this web page:

Become a Member

If you would like to play tennis with us then please click below to become a member.

Latest Events

Postponed Men’s Singles Tournament

September 22 @ 10:00 am - 4:00 pm

Half term holiday camp

October 24 @ 9:00 am - 3:00 pm

Club 2024 AGM

December 6 @ 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm