The AGM was held as a zoom meeting on Monday 14th December with 6 Club members participating.  There was a review of actions taken since the 2019 AGM before the Annual report and Accounts were presented  The report summarised the many tennis activities during the year, so that despite Covid and the two lockdowns a lot of enjoyable tennis had been played and membership numbers were actually higher than in 2019.

There was discussion of the mud and moss appearing on our astro turf courts, so they had become a bit slippery after all the recent rain.  Court 3 in particular is slippery near the tramlines so everyone is still asked to avoid using it.

Steve Garland is actively looking at solutions, either by buying equipment for us to use or bringing in professionals.  We are hoping to sort them out early in the new year.  The Club is very sorry that Sandra Eccles and Andre Coltman fell on the courts during evening doubles sessions earlier this month and we very much hope they recover very soon.

Thanks to Mary Rosenberg, Rose Parker and Steve Garland for organising social tennis sessions throughout the year.  Any members wanting to join the winter evening doubles WhatsApp group please contact Steve tel; 07722 541688 or [email protected]  In order to provide new tennis balls players are to be asked to contribute £1 each session, into the honesty box in the clubhouse.

The accounts for the financial year up to 31 October 2020 were also presented . There was total income of £8827 and expenditure of £9008.

The main reductions in sources of income were match fees and use of clubhouse facilities, whilst membership income had held up.  The £1000 Sport England grant and £500 donation towards court upgrades from Eden Parkinson’s father also helped the income stream.  The main increase in expenditure was the development by M6 Media of the Club website, which was needed to ensure its security and to be accessible on phones and i-pads.

The year-end balance in the Business Reserve account (£3850) was sufficient to pay the final £2000 instalment of the Lancashire Tennis loan in May 2021 but is not enough to fund remedial work on the courts, for which another loan will be needed.




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