Thanks very much to Maxine for organising the Winter Doubles re-starting on Thursday October 31st – every Thursday at 6.30pm.
To remind players, these are the rules –
” By the previous Sunday evening you need to confirm on the Winter Doubles WhatsApp group that you are available to play on Thursday – for example 27th October for 31st October.
Since we can only use 2 courts until court 3 is upgraded, if more than 8 people sign up the extras will have priority if they wish to play the week after. The 8 players will be divided by Maxine before the start of play into 2 groups. The lowest scoring person from group 1 will go down to group 2 and the highest scorer from group two will go up for the following week. The format is – 8 games playing with the other three players in your group, so 24 games in total per person.
Maxine will also select a weather monitor who will decide about play on the night if the weather looks uncertain, and will report this on the WhatsApp group.
If you have to cancel IT IS UP TO YOU TO FIND A REPLACEMENT and not let your group down. The weather monitor will also report on the results at the end of play.
Any queries to Maxine on the WhatsApp group and if you are a Club member and not already on the group, please contact her on 0796 9907245 to be added in.